Where We Live and Breathe Surf

Shokogi provides you articles about surf and surf related lifestyle: Tips for every surfer, surf videos and photos, surf how-to's, and the best spots in Panama.
Never Too Late: Top Reasons Adults Should Take Up Surfing
Discover the joys and benefits of surfing at any age! This article explores nine compelling reasons why adults should consider surfing, from physical fitness and mental wellness to family bonding and adventure. Learn how you can start your surfing journey at Shokogi in Playa Venao, Panama. Dive into a new passion today!
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Playa Venao: Did You Know? Wildlife Addition
Our Shokogi Surf Blog is here to inform the surfers and travellers all about the lifestyle within Playa Venao. When we're not surfing it up, you'll find us exploring the regions wildlife and culture. Stay tuned for weekly blog posts and more fun facts!
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